The man who was accused of robbing undiscloed sum of rupees from the NGO rollypolly CPA, Sunanda Deshapriya is "vanished" from the scene. Nobody seems to know of his whereabouts. However ture to the media tradition of Sri Lanka, "when you do it it is wrong, but I am doing it all the time" Sunanda's partners of crime have come up with a blogsite to throw mud at their fellow bothal paththara karaya, Namely Uvindu Kurukulasuriya!
For your information, please note that Uvindu Kurukulasuriya is the top man of Free Media Movement (or Fee Media Movement, as it turned out to be)
This is what our "friends"at write about their collegues:
Uvindu is a power-hungry unscrupulous individual who is now trying to destroy Sunanda simply because he wants to steal Sunanda's job. This exactly what anotherle well known snake, Pradeep Jeganathan did at the ICES. Like Jeganathan, what Uvindu is blind to is the fact that by destroying Sunanda, he is also giving right-wing forces a brilliant opportunity to step in and destroy the FMM and the CPA.
Hmmmm..... please note folks... The big boss of FMM is a power-hungry unscrupulous individual ... That was we were telling you folks from the beggining. However today we are happy that the so called Journalists of Sri Lanka accusing their big boss at FMM!
Not only this Uvindu is a power-hungry unscrupulous individual, he is a RAPIST too. This is waht Uvindu's collegues tell:
This is Uvindu the Snake.He once attempted to rape a coworker, and would have gone through with it had he not been stopped by another coworker...
However few days ago, when Sunanda was cosher in media circles, nobody told us about Uvindu's bad side.
When Karu went back to the UNP again a few days ago, the government members of the parliment refrained from attacking Karu. No government PM called Karu a snake. It is high time our Bothal Paththarakarayo, the so called Media men of Sri Lanka start learning from Politicians :) :) :)